I told my doctor like 3 visits ago that after my son is born I want to get on the pill. I don't want to deal with complications from an implant, and I want to lose all my baby weight- and I'm not trying to find out if I will gain from the shot. I plan to breastfeed so I will be continuing to take my prenatal after I give birth, which I can take at the same time as my pill so I know I won't forget... Anyways- every appointment I've gone to since, my doctor keeps seeming like she's trying to persuade me to get an implant- as if she doesn't believe I will keep up taking the pill and end up pregnant again. There's no way I will change MY mind on what to do with MY body... But it's so frustrating to feel like she's trying to pressure me into something I've made clear at every appointment that I'm just not interested in.😓😡

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