I have been having really bad pains, the doctor told me that my son is already rested on my pelvis head down. I have a history of preterm births. I went to the hospital on Friday cause I was not getting any better and the put me on bed rest cause they did a fFn test and that came back positive. a fFn test tells you if you have a possibility of having a baby in the next 2 weeks. I just turned 31 weeks today and I am nervous. is there any other moms going thru this or has gone thru this

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it is going to take u to train ur babies to help you. i had really bad sciatica..with my son. he sat on the nerve. and didnt move for a month. anyways i taught my two year old to do most things....she would carry the half gallon of milk and cereal put her food the night before in the fridge in little tuppers...and she would go to fridge and get them for me. When she got hungry...for me to put inside microwave..but then she was very good baby. not a troublemaker. she played with toys and watched tv...she would pic up the floor and put everything on top of sofa for me to put was such a painful month. but thanks to her i survived. she would get the veggies for me when i cooked. it was like having a little helper. i was broke back then and had nobdy to help. so i did wat i could. good luck.
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
that's hard sarabrewer04 cause I have 4 other children under the age of 6.
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know it's harder said then done but just stay off your feet as much as possible and elevate your legs so keep the baby from putting so much pressure on you... Maybe that test is wrong I hope so I'll be praying for u
12.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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