I don't ever use this as a place to vent, but I just feel so selfish about my feelings that I'd rather vent here than to people I know in person....
Today is my birthday, I don't work, so it's pretty tight on money (our bills are always paid and we always have a little extra, but not a lot) so I didn't really expect anything at all for my birthday since my whole family and all my friends are in another state- so it's literally just me and my bf.
Well he was driving to work (in our only car) this morning and the brakes (that I told him needed changed a month ago) went out. So he had to buy new ones and he spent all morning putting them on himself (he isn't too informed on that) and he apparently didn't do it right. So now he's at his friends and they're supposed to fix it.
I'm just really down on today bc he didn't tell me happy bday until around noon (which I understand bc of the car stressing him out) and my family just now (6pm) called me.... I really just wanted to go out to eat with my bf so I had some sort of bday celebration... And I'm just so upset about it... But I feel bad for feeling upset. I'm trying to brush it off bc I know it's just another day, but I'm really hurt that no one got me anything or really made a big deal about it being my birthday....
Idk, just wanted to vent.😓😢
On the bright side my son will be here in the next 4ish weeks. So I'm just trying to focus on that.