Time to vent.
I'm so emotional right now.
I've been feeling really sick since I had my baby and I never associated the way I was feeling with breastfeeding until today.
I have mastitis. I've had a very hard time breastfeeding so I've tried exclusively pumping and I dread every session because of how much my boobs hurt. Tonight was the last time I pump for my baby and I feel so guilty. I keep reading all of these articles about not feeling guilty because breastfeeding isn't for everyone but I still feel this terrible guilt. I don't know what to do or how to handle these feelings.
I'm sick and depressed and I'm just not ready for all the people who are gonna talk about how great breastfeeding is for your baby.

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If it makes you feel any better, I felt the same way when I had to start supplementing with my son. I felt like I'd failed him because I couldn't keep up with his growth spurt. I've been reading more on how to boost supply and more effective methods to breastfeeding and I'm slowly getting him back on exclusively just breast. From my understanding you don't have to completely give up on breastfeeding when you gave mastitis. You aren't a failure. You've just hit a road bump. You will get passed this. You are doing fantastically if you ask me.
11.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Going through the same thing. Just got my baby off the bottle and no more pumping. I pump for about two minutes to relieve my breast though. I hate that I ever started pumping so much
11.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
have you talked to your doctor about your mastitis? I've heard many times power pumping and keeping baby at your breast (skin to skin) will help. also dangle feeding. just ideas since you said you're not really ready to give up. hang in there momma.
11.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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