📣📣📣❔❔❔❔❓❓❓❓❓📣📣📣 ok so I am sitting here watching the business of being born and they are talking about being induced...... none of it is good and its freaking me out!!! any ladies have an induction and how did it go? I am being induced tomorrow 😀😀👶👶💙💙

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thanks!! @kristen_91
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've had 2 so far and they went good and fast once I got my epideral.
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
my other nurse...from my second birth made me hurt my abdomen. this time i was perfectly sedated...and she said...i needed to get off the labor bed and move to the bed i was gonna be in for baby and mom...i couldnt move my legs..and she insisted i wasnt trying to i strained and strained and tore something inside my abdomen...which hurt for years...her words were u need to get off because other women need ur bed. uve had ur baby. she also made me drink water because my urine wasnt clear it was yellow...i was so insulted...and alone with her. so just wanna share. dont let people do this to you.
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
yeah...please dont be a pushover. even tell ur hubby my story or whoever takes care of u to stick up for u. if the staff is negative towards u. when ur in labor sometimes its hard to be assertive.( i was young and too shocked at the time to understand she was ruining my birth)
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
wow!! so it sounds like to me to the nurse is what made your experience bad and that is not cool!!!! @yummycake thanks for sharing girl I am hoping my nurses are nice my hospital has a very good rep so I hope so
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
i took a while like twenty three hours in bad was ok for me cus i was in mommy zone. but i had a nurse giving me a hard time. she wanted me to stay on mynleft side because baby could get the same oxygen...and she kept telling me i couldnt dilate enouhh and she was gonna tell the doc i needed a ce section...she also yelled at me for not obeying her about staying on my left side. when i told her i needed more epidural meds she denied them saying my contractions were showing as small. and she thinks i was over dosing on meds and thats why labor was so slow. it turned out the monitor was broken. because i was the one who told her. my baby has crowned...u need to check...she didnt want to and in the end when she babys head was popping out . thats when she knew my monitor was not working. my doctor came asap...and ge was ur monitor is broken i cant help u push..u gotta time it when u feel it and tell me. i delivered her...but she ripped me doc had fast hands..he sewed me up good and had her set up quick. the nurse just stood to the side of the room...she did take my epidural off....and i felt my baby being the pain of having the placenta pushed out. so my advice is dont put up with ne nurse nonsense...get another one asap if she is mean to u.
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
ya that's true!! @edomke ,thank you girl I am trying lol just so anxious
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I meant inductions not c sections lol
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Well just know it wouldn't be a very good show if something didn't go wrong. I'm sure they just show bad ones but most c sections go as planned. Try not to worry too much!
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
thanks!!! all the people I know had good inductions but I am still a little worried
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
My induction at 41+3 resulted in an emergency c section because my body was contracting less than a minute apart but I couldn't dilate past a 5 my daughters heart rate started dropping and she got stuck in the birth sister had 2/3 of her kids from being induced and hers went smoothly
30.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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