It's a really yucky juice. it's a fruit grown in Tahiti and other tropical places. you just take a shot (1 ounce) a day. it is packed full of healthy stuff and increases both male and female fertility so make sure your man does it too. only problem is its a little pricey. merinda.Com is where I order mine and they ship it to you within days.
we tried for 11 months, with a miscarriage in the beginning. We started taking noni juice and a month later I was pregnant. I don't know if it was the noni or the fact that I just relaxed and let nature take its course. I went out and bought expensive lingerie, got myself all prettied up and bam preggers lol
I tryed for 9 ... Doing ovulation test and tracking my temps and everything... Month 10 we decided to stop trying and boom I was prego :) I think the stress of trying is what makes it harder to actually get prego but best of luck to you if you keep at it it will happen ? :)
well hopefully it'll be 8 months TTC for me.. not to freak anyone out, but if I get pregnant at 8 months TTC, the baby will be conceived during birthday sex haha. @klachappelle
@aphrodite2014 , where can I get plexus?
I have a 2 year old and she's gotten so big, but I've got baby fever all over again. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my little Amy, but I want another one.
we're not going to give up, I'm just getting impatient lol