Jennifer Nguyen
Do you feel contractions in your pelvic area? I've been having sharp pains that keep coming and going. They stopped but now they're back again. 😩😩😩
8.9 лет

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@queendavis, crazy thing is that some days she'll be moving like crazy and then boom, nothing. that's why I freak out! but thank you for reassuring me! :)

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@queendavis, crazy thing is that some days she'll be moving like crazy and then boom, nothing. that's why I freak out! but thank you for reassuring me! :)

8.9 лет Нравится Ответить

You may! I have an anterior placenta and haven't felt much movement so far, a few a day but not like it was with my first pregnancy! The tech told me around 23 weeks is when the movements get strong enough to really feel when it comes to an anterior placenta. Weird that she wouldn't mention it to you though. Yeah girl pretty sure they knew me by name haha you'll be fine :))

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@queendavis, I think the tech wrote I had an anterior placenta, but she didn't say anything to me about it? o.o and yeah I feel like the hospital will know me by name if I keep going haha

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Aw girl sometimes I don't feel my girl all day. It's no biggie :) I was always so freaked out with my first pregnancy, if I didn't feel him move for like five hours I would go get checked haha 😜 I understand the paranoia! If you ever get worried, drink something cold and sugary and lay on your left side for 30-45 mins and count her kicks :) if you feel at least 2-3 then you're good!

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@queendavis, I hope so, I only felt her three times today. 😞 But it might be because I haven't ate or drank anything

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It could be Braxton Hicks :)

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