Madison Barnes
for those of you who are 30 weeks or over or who have already had their babies...when did movement of the baby slow way down?
8.9 лет

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@lynleighs_mommy, my doctor told me that baby should be moving at least 5 times per hour so as long as you feel that I believe your ok :) i wouldn't worry as long as it doesn't move for more than an hour

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@lynleighs_mommy, my doctor told me that baby should be moving at least 5 times per hour so as long as you feel that I believe your ok :) i wouldn't worry as long as it doesn't move for more than an hour

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@lynleighs_mommy, I would do a kick count. lay on your left side count the kicks if you don't get 10 drink two glasses of cold water back to back and lay on your right side. if you still don't get 10 kicks in an hour go to the er. better safe then sorry. to many still born these days and you have come so far!

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mine stopped moving as much a couple days ago...I don't think anything is wrong because I still feel her move some everyday but she was super active for about 3 days...more so than usual and then all of a sudden stopped the other day. I've heard it's pretty normal as they get bigger though so I've tried not to worry too much and I have a Dr appointment next Friday so I don't think I should make a big deal of it? @scfxo

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I'm gonna be 36 weeks tomorrow and I feel him all day he really never stops moving 😁

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