My daughter has Hypoplastic Left Heart which is where the left side of her heart is underdeveloped and will have to have surgery immediately and 2 more surgeries through her life 1 at 6 months and 1 18 months to 3 years. Any mommas have babies with this?
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@monilovesautumn, Thank u so much... I'm glad our daughter is well. I know she is a fighter just breaks my heart everything she has to go through. Thanks

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@monilovesautumn, Thank u so much... I'm glad our daughter is well. I know she is a fighter just breaks my heart everything she has to go through. Thanks

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my daughter doesn't have this . but she did have 2 open heart surgeries . she had coartation of the aorta & needed an vsd repair . she got the first surgery at 3 weeks old and she had her second surgery at 10 months . thank god that was the last surgery . she's improved a great deal since the last surgery . she's 3 now . just pray and always always think good positive thoughts . babies know . she will be ok , this might make her even stronger . and you too. trust me it's not going to be easy . especiallywhen you are the one watching the process . but in due time it will get better . praying for you 🙏🙏💕

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