💚Mizz Rita💚
My days Monday -Friday
wake up at 6:30 am
7:30 am take my 2 kids to school come home and clean and feed the baby
10:45 leave to pick up my Pre schooler
2:20 leave to pick up my 4th grader come home do homework maybe more cleaning then start dinner get kids showered fed and ready for bed all before 7:30pm then I get dressed at head to work from 8pm to midnight come home shower eat dinner then get the baby to bed she refuses to go anytime before I get home finally by 2am I'm dozing off to sleep...... so hubby comes home at 1pm and sees me sleep on the couch and says dam why u so tired didn't u sleep enough ???? he almost got slapped lol
8.9 лет

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its hard but I do have help if he's off work he will pick up the kids and then on Monday and Tuesday his mom picks up my daughter from school for me and on Tuesday she keeps both girls for a few hours to give me a little me time which I use to either do laundry or clean up @juliagail09 but it can get a little hard but a mothers job is never done right

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its hard but I do have help if he's off work he will pick up the kids and then on Monday and Tuesday his mom picks up my daughter from school for me and on Tuesday she keeps both girls for a few hours to give me a little me time which I use to either do laundry or clean up @juliagail09 but it can get a little hard but a mothers job is never done right

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oh hell no. that woulda had me mad like wtf that's alot of stuff you do. i know i got it fairly easy with just my baby. but when i babysit my boyfriends nephew in the afternoon sometimes its tough idk how you do it.

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not to mention when I'm doing all this I have the baby with me so its extra work lol

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