Ok so I need some advice I haven't wanted to talk about this but now my daughter is due any day and it's really starting to get to me, my mother in law who lives in NY is planning on staying with my husband and I after the birth of our first baby for how long I don't even know, I'm so worried she is gonna come in between the bonding of me and my baby, originally my mom who lives a couple minutes away planned on staying with us for just a week or less to help me and now that obviously isn't going to happen because my in law will be here which hurts my mom as this is her first grandbaby and my in laws third grandchild, I really just want time to bond with my baby I know it might sound selfish but this is my first baby and I want that time to bond as a family and because I have no idea how long she plans on staying it's really stressing me out our house isn't big enough and she will be sleeping in our living room and I won't even have room for my rocking chair or my daughters swing, I want to talk about it with my husband but I fee like he will be mad or defensive. It's just really starting to get to me to the point where I just wanna cry and this is suppose to be the happiest moment I have been waiting for my little girl and now I'm almost dreading it.