Nina Strong
Nina Strong
Ok so I need some advice I haven't wanted to talk about this but now my daughter is due any day and it's really starting to get to me, my mother in law who lives in NY is planning on staying with my husband and I after the birth of our first baby for how long I don't even know, I'm so worried she is gonna come in between the bonding of me and my baby, originally my mom who lives a couple minutes away planned on staying with us for just a week or less to help me and now that obviously isn't going to happen because my in law will be here which hurts my mom as this is her first grandbaby and my in laws third grandchild, I really just want time to bond with my baby I know it might sound selfish but this is my first baby and I want that time to bond as a family and because I have no idea how long she plans on staying it's really stressing me out our house isn't big enough and she will be sleeping in our living room and I won't even have room for my rocking chair or my daughters swing, I want to talk about it with my husband but I fee like he will be mad or defensive. It's just really starting to get to me to the point where I just wanna cry and this is suppose to be the happiest moment I have been waiting for my little girl and now I'm almost dreading it.

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You're mom live a few minutes away she can still drop it in the morning and help if she wants to stay all day even better and seen she doesn't live far so can go back far as you're mother in law try not to stress it so much you can ask her to help around the house with the cooking and cleaning so this way you can bond more with your baby and also get some rest thru the day trust me the nights are really long....and all the help you can get around the house even far as you're husband I'm sure there should be a way you can mention it to him with out him becoming opinion
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'd explain that you want the first few weeks or even a month for you guys to bond as a family. She can come visit and stay for a few days at a later time.
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I did bring it up when I was like 5 months along and he shrugged it off and now I'm due in 5 days and it's really starting to get to me, I feel bad but at the same time I want the chance to be a mom, she has made comments like "she can take the baby so I can sleep" and I feel like that's part of being a mom is adjusting to a sleep schedule with my baby and i plan on only breast feeding for as long as I can and so really my baby can't be away from me, I just feel like my husband will say I'm over reacting
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
He's supposed to be there to listen to your fears and concerns. Communication is key. If he gets angry at you or defensive then that's another road to cross.
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Discussing issues with your husbands family can be extremely hard BUT youust talk to him asap! I think it is his place to speak w his mom & you guys need to come up with some ground rules! & your mom should surely get to spend time as well. Talk to him calmly, but be firm...this is a must!
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
its not selfish at all. both the baby and you need those first moments together. the telling her how you feel. maybe she will understand and not try to take those precious moments from you
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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