ive always worked out since i was young but my metabolism i have to work out constantly but since ive became pregnant i havent really worked out at all my pregnant brain rather lay in front of the fan and eat and sleep so today i started off slow did a few reps and about 5 min with denise austin last time i worked out was a few weeks ago i did 20 squats with this big ole belly and couldnt sit for 3 days lol when before i could do 70 and be fine but anyways im looking for someone to help me be motivated i read that i can lose fat during pregnancy by eating a bit healthier and working out 20 min a day 150 min a week so id like to lose or tone what i got going on i mean i havent realy worked out for a half a year no matter if i was preggo or not im sure id look like this minus the belly lol i dont normally gain in my belly just my legs anyways who would like to workout with me dont have to do it with me but be eacgothers motivation by way of the web :P
8.9 лет

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