Alright guess I'll do it too!:)
10 random facts about me:) ♡
1. I have a puppy dog
2. I HATE spiders
3. I'm not picky when it comes to food lol I'll eat just about anything you put in front of me
4. My favorite brand of car is Dodge!
5. When I was pregnant in my first trimester all I could eat were reuban sandwiches from McAlisters or I'd get sick lol
6. I love country music
7. I hate cleaning but if I don't my head feels like it'll explode because of the clutter lol
8. Space! I love outerspace it fascinates me
9. I'm living in a house that my husband and I are almot finished building all we need is carpet, a door for the bedroom, and paint! Its the best feeling because we're working towards a wonderful goal!
10. Last but not least, my favorite animal is the dolphin:)