Amber Lee 😚
Amber Lee 😚
my mirena is giving me so many issues!! I asked my boyfriend if it's okay if I get it taken out.. (he told me 2 years ago he couldn't have kids due to a medical thingy..) he never ever ever & still to this day won't go into detail about it.. He just laughs at me and says "why does it matter".. I keep asking him "should I be on birth control? am I going to get pregnant if I go off it?" and he LAUGHS and says "it isn't 100%.. If you wanna be on bc then do it babe, if not then dont"... so I HAVE NO IDEA what to think!.. I want more babies.. but not for a goooood least 3 or 4 years from now... He is so confusing!

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I had a miscarriage July 10 2014 from it then got pregnant again in September and idk how the ER said it move and they took it out and I had ultrasounds like crazy and baby til this day is healthy I call him my miracle baby and my son to cause I got pregnant off the pill @amberlee_94. And I had the mirena for 2yrs before getting pregnant in July which is weird
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@vickie1812, your lucky your baby survived!! they say you usually misscarry when getting mirena out while pregnant.. wow..
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I got pregnant off the mirena just last year sept and my baby is due June 6th kinda scared to get it again
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
my mirena gave me problems too i got it taken out and now im on the pill. its not hard to remember i just set an alarm. you could talk to your doctor if you want it out and see what other options you have.
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
*not Xmas, can*
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Mirena was the devil for me. Made me a psycho and I Xmas barely remember the first few years of my twins life. But, I would definitely continue birth control in your case. Maybe research other options that have less issues.
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'd say stay on birth control just to be safe. You never know. I worked with a guy that was told he was sterile. Now he has 3 kids
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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