I feel bad. One of the reasons I decided to go on with this pregnancy is nor because I was trying to conceive and wanted to become a mom, not because I love her father but because I don't believe in abortion. I feel bad because I see moms up here who are genuinely happy and are enjoying their pregnancy and have support from their SO and I don't feel like that at all. I mean I'll have moments of excitement, but its short lived when I realize my reality. I'm just praying things will change when she comes
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yep!! youre definitely not alone. I have the same thoughts. we're only human. nothing is gonna be the same after having baby but im hoping to still find happiness.

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yep!! youre definitely not alone. I have the same thoughts. we're only human. nothing is gonna be the same after having baby but im hoping to still find happiness.

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@may24th, omg sameee. in my head I'm always like "let me enjoy this alone time now or let me enjoy having my room to myself now because once baby comes it'll be no more :(" I soo can identify with this. I feel like a selfish person but its how I feel :(

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@savtay1, yea I definitely wouldn't give something that came from me up for adoption. I have way too many family members that will help me and to carry her this long just to give her up doesn't sit well with me, but diff strokes for diff folks. thanks for the input :)

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yep. I just never thought itd happen and here I am now. baby boy will be here in two weeks or less and im just thinking about how much different my life will be and cant help but feel like my life is over. I know theres tons of ladies whod love to be able to have babies and all but it doesnt make a difference in how I feel. I really hope things change when I have him.

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thanks ladies I really appreciate it @renaeevans @alainalovesmommy

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there is also other options like open adoptions. or maybe you will feel different when she gets here

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@may24 yea like I knew the possible outcome of having unprotected sex etc and don't believe in abortion so I decided to go through with it

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I don't have support from my baby girls father he just wants to do his own thing and then he thinks he can just come when she's here , I only have support from my friends and family . but you are never alone just remember you have other moms to talk too

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It'll be okay in time. I felt the same way a major of my pregnancy. Only reason I kept them is because my mother guilt tripped me into it (she was really sick around the time I found out and asked me to keep them because she feared she would live long enough to see me have any down the road). It's stressful but I just look at it as some sort of blessing. If you ever need someone to talk to, you have all of us on here

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ur welcome hope u feel better @helpedbytmh

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@ummashirah, glad to hear from someone with experience. thanks

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I feel the exact same way. and didnt terminate my pregnancy for the same reason. :/

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things will change once she gets here hopefully i went through a divorce my previous pregnancy so i understand how u feel but the second my son arrived he changed my life

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