All my May Mommies are having their baby's. The thing is most of them were due after me. I'm so Happy for all you mommy's and your new babies. Congrats May Mommies. I wish the best for you all and have a great time enjoying your little ones. 😉💓👌👍
it hurts for me to move. but my dr wont induce me till the 18th. :( and men are so weird. they want sex often till we're big and preggo then theyre like nahhh. lol. I just telln my bf it might be the last time for six weeks. lol. it works. 😂
@may24th, I hope they do! my abdomen hurts so bad that i can barely do anything now. so my dr is gonna discuss inducing on friday..but I would much rather him come on his own. to bad I cant talk my bf into sex XD
lol. Hopefully our babies just come on already. maybe theyll wanna join the out of the womb club all the may babies are already starting. lol. good luck! I gave up on self inducing. :( @lilithnight
lol. yes definitely cant wait. hes still being a little butt in there. im hoping he makes his appearance before the 18th. but either way I cant wait! :) yes the last few weeks have been an eternity. I gotta agree. lol. how you feeling?
@may24th, I feel like last 2 weeks have been an eternity. how u been girl? @may24th I know u can't wait with all the suffering you baby puts you threw. but it will be so worth it once you have your baby in your arms.