Hey breast feeding moms got a question about breast pumps. Our insurance covers 3 brands. Medela pump in style advanced breast pump, Ameda purely yours electric breast pump, tomy quiet expressions breast pump. Which do you recommend!!???
@stephg4 I got an email from what to expect.com about insurance covering breast pumps. The website it linked me to was edgepark.com. It's a medical supplies company. All I did was put in my state and insurance company and it told me what breast pumps we were eligible for. I can't actually apply till July because it said they only allow you to apply 32 days before your due date.
my insurance covered those as well so I looked up everything each one came with and chose the ameda option because it came with more like the cooler bag and large tote bag where as the medela had it available but for and additional cost. I looked up reviews on both and I saw that it was good also so I went with it. My personal review... I love it. I had my baby this past Sunday and went from using the medela pump at the hospital to yesterday using the ameda and I pumped the exact same as the hospital grade medela. I like how the main body of the pump has the cup holders for the bottles and the fit nice and snug so there is no tipping. So far no complaints.