Ok this question goes to the mommies who already had babies !
Ok I know 6 weeks is the estimated time you should wait until you get back to sex just curious to how long did you ladies wait 6 weeks exact or longer or shorter ?
@lajo, ok and yea see I wanna make sure I decide on a birth control cause I definitely don't wanna go to my 6 week check up and hear your pregnant @caydensmommy & ok thanks
@rosebud, ok im 9 days PP today I'll probably be giving it at least another week or two to be on the safe side and @caydensmommy idk what type of year I had but they wasn't going to even give me stitches she was just going to apply pressure but she said she wanted to be on the safe side so I know she gave me 3 stitches
I think I waited until 6 weeks especially because I hadn't had my birth control yet! But I also took it slow because I too tore naturally during birth. And it healed on the outside but definitely not on the inside. It took a good while for it to feel normal again... For me atleast.
a waited a little longer because I had an yeast infection and it had to get cured first. besides the yeast infection I would have been sore free at 4 weeks lol
@soontobemommy, ok yea I had an really labor and haven't had any problems or pain since delivering and my bf is counting down the days until my 6 weeks are up