I'm suppose to start giving my son pedialyte in between feedings instead of supplementing. but he screams until I break down and give him milk. any suggestions?
I figured it's worth a shot ... Like trick him into drinking the pedialite ...dang girl I saw ur post about him being 11lbs my 2 month old is only 11lbs 2.5oz you got a BIG boy ☺️
Damn that sucks...my daughter hasn't gained THAT much since birth so her pediatricians don't care that I give it to her.... Not sure if it would taste nasty to baby or not but maybe pedialite mixed in some milk ? That way he's still getting it and is getting less milk...just a thought
A little bit of cereal in his bottles will keep him fuller been doing this with my daughter since she was 2 weeks cause ALL she wanted to do was eat eat eat constantly