here's my labor story :) [2|25|15]
so I woke up 3 times yesterday feeling some water or leakage coming out vaginally on its own . I called the clinic I go to and they told me to go to the emergency room asap because it could be amniotic fluid leaking or my water broke and I needed to get admitted ! so I went in by 1 pm. I was checked by the doctor and he said I was still 1 cm.. but saw the mucus and fluid coming out . so he inserted the long balloon at around 2 .. the balloon helped me dilate to 5 cm by 5 ish.. then I was put on pitch because I kept staying at 5cm.. then I was given epidural at 6 pm. I didn't feel no contractions nothing
. by 1; 30 epidural wore down and I felt.all the strong contractions . by 2 ish.. I felt.her head pushing down , giving so much pressure . by 3 am I said no I can't no more , I was 6-7 cm dilated .. and her head was almost out. they said hold it don't push because you'll tear .. I said I can't , she wants to come out so by 3:10 they gave in and said ok.. nurses called the doctors and he came and set everything up... they told me to push, .. while pushing I felt everything because the epidural wore off by the 3rd push I was exhausted because I hadnt slept and was in so much pain.. then they told me not to give up give it one more good push. I gave it all I got and boom her head popped out . I received a 2nd degree tear, I felt all the stitches being sowed in me ..but once I saw her face I forgot it all.. she was born today by 3:24 am .. weighing 7 lbs 4 oz, and she was 20 cm long