@angelicarobertmoya haha a...asi mismo. My husband left for work this morning and he tells me to stay in bed and sleep. Lol I slept my 4 hrs and that was a wrap. I started moving slowly...by the time he got home I was like ok, your turn now I'm off to shower and cook. oh I made lasagna rolls with a side salad.
Lol just like me, yo soy tan insperactiva when it comes to the house, cleaning and organizing that my hubby is like mija no te puedes sentar un momento and relax for a min, and I'm like NO haha it's just hard for me because I'm a person that likes to have my house clean and organize so that makes 2 of us 😉 so what's cooking? @olladysaidy
@angelicarobertmoya that's exactly how I am. ..I can't relax if things are not in there place. plus moving will help speed up my recovery and help correct my posture. 😉 Pero ya Gracia a Dios everything is done....and now making dinner.
Lol mija relax you gave birth not to long ago best thing to do is coje las cosas cn calma y relax a bit, lo de la casa puede esperar unless que tu eres como yo que no puedes estar trankila y tiene que estar haciendo cosas around the house lol. @olladysaidy