Ahh I'm wide awake it's 1:22 and I have a to get up for work at 6 -___- I'm scared out of my mind my husband is working grave yard shift and I swear I heard someone in the house whistling I'm freaking out I've looked all over and I didn't see anyone but its really freaking me out!

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Thank you for the support everything is okay my husband just got home and we looked through everywhere and didn't see to find anything so I guess in just loosing my mind :/
21.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
Hun breath ok...if you hear it again get up and lock your door and call the non emergency hot line for the police or sheriff department they well have the nearest car come and check things out. Better safe than sorry.. Just try not to freak out that's super bad..
21.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
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