So, I've said before that I'm a huge risk pregnancy. I have type 1 diabetes, and although I'm controlling it reasonably well, the last ultrasound showed the baby to be overweight by almost two pounds. My next ultrasound is Friday so I'm nervous.
It also doesn't help that I randomly heard two women at work talking about diabetics and their stillborn rates being high. That TERRIFIES me. I can feel her squirming about daily but I can't shake the feeling. So now I'm worrying about the baby having type 1, my c-section, and now this.
Any one have any advice on keeping a level head. I know if I'm stressing the baby is feeling it.

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Thank ya'll so very much for the encouragement. I'm 30 weeks as of Monday. Our birthing class took us on a tour of the labor and delivery section of the hospital on Tues and she went over the rough start the babies had of a diabetic mother extra heel sticks to get glucose time in the nciu for leveling out sugars all that stuff. She didn't know I was diabetic but I appreciated the reality dose. I could have done without the wave of guilt that followed because of something that is out of my hands!
20.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
@marzlie, don't panic or worry to much, just do what you can to keep yourself healthy during these 9 months and there shouldn't be much of a concern.
20.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm type two and I understand the baby weight dear, at 34 weeks my little girl was almost 6 lbs, and they estimate 9-15 at birth for her. but yes as diabetics we do have the higher chance of a still birth, that's why the drs 9/10 times induce us or schedule c sections before 39 weeks.
20.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
one thing I would keep in mind hun is that the weights doctor's are saying are really only a guess...I wouldn't believe them all the time with the weight of the baby... if you are eating healthy and exercising a reasonable amount as in walking or whatever. I wouldn't try to worry urself too much. I mean I do not have diabetes so I can't say how hard it is to be in ur shoes. but be positive dear :) how far along are you?
20.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm not sure I have advice on keeping a level head but if she's moving she is ok. Diabetics tend to have larger babies but no evidence that they will necessarily have diabetes as well. Genetics do play a part but both my aunt and uncle have diabetes and their two adult sons do not. You know your body if something feels different say something but all you can do now is ride the wave. I am categorized as high risk and understand the constant agony of not being able to help LO directly. I talk out my concerns and try aromatherapy but it only helps so much. Deep breathe mama!
20.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
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