Cait Nic Jaramillo
United States, Texas, Amarillo
Hello! I Am A 20 Year Old, I Am A Wife And A Mommy Of A Handsome 19 Month Old Baby Boy And A 6 Month Old Beautiful Baby Girl.


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7+6 tomorrow and have an ob appointment. I havent been feeling well and can barely eat. I almost 🤮🤮🤮 even water and everything. Can they tell me tomorrow if the baby is okay? And if im dehydrated or what? What am i to expect tomororw? I havent been to the doctor (obgyn) at (close to) 8weeks before. Im hypoglycemic and anemic. I can barely eat. I keep water down but i barely keep that down. My head is pounding and i feel like absolute crap. I hope this dont make me lose the baby? I only eat once a day since this has been happening and my bones hurt. Anytime i get up to go to the restroom i am close to passing out. Its scary. I do not know what to do. I want to go to my appointment tomorrow though but i do not know if i will passsout there or what will happen. All i know is i feel bad and im tryna make it to that appointment tomorrow and not throw up or pass out but i think its gonna happen. One of the two. Of both. Edit: when people are talking it feels like their yelling. Thats how sensative my ears are too. And it takes me longer than usual to chew my prenatals because i nesrly throw them up cause of the texture which isnt normal til all of this stuff started happening.
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llamapantaloons I wasnt this bad at all during my pregnancy, but I know there’s some anti-nausea medicine they if you absolutely can’t keep anything down, go to the ER so they can give you fluids
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Что сегодня на обед и ужин? Bowl, фри и стейк!
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Breakfast bowl Saturday lunch time.
Cheesey Veggies fries chicken fried steak and ketchup for dinner tonight.
icebergahead Middle of the night breakfast lol
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Обалденный завтрак в 00:00: кто пробовал маринованные огурчики?
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First i started with the pickles in lime juice then my man and i ate the breakfast mix at midnight. Im in love with his cooking 🤤

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