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Why does the father that sleeps way more than a mother ever does still complain about being sleepy and tired ? 🙄😒 #bitemytonguethursday
ubiuvumlo I think it’s because it’s in our nature to take on more especially as mothers
mrs.hibben My husband does. He usually starts off with saying I know you’re not getting much sleep but
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First time mom & im wondering when did y’all start putting your baby on a sleep pattern? My daughter is almost a month but she tends to sleep really good both night and day.
stitchandbottle Mine was a great sleep from the start too. I never had to set a routine or
kambam I let my son develop his natural sleep patterns and he does just fine
youngmommy18 My son did a really good job at knowing when he has to sleep he’s only two
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How long after your cesection did it take you to heal completely? No pain or soreness?
mom_two_times Completely? Hmmm about six months... and even then it’s still tender some time ... I’m 9mos pp
mom_two_times After having a baby all things for your body takes a year to go back to normal
tutusandtouchdowns A few weeks and I’ve had 2.
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I seriously need to find a way to produce more milk 😞 I hate giving my daughter formula
expectingz Yeah, how do you know you are not producing enough? Having baby @ the breast will automatically
mccartymchs Are you pumping at all? After she is done nursing pump! Does she have a tongue or
mhbb29 pump or nurse more. The more milk you remove from the breast the more your body will
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