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So at which ultrasound do they determine weight and position of baby before birth?
a.mama22 It depends on the doctor I assume but my doctors didn’t do ultrasounds after 20 weeks unless
mommy_to_4 I found out at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks but 3 weeks later and she was
squishybaby 🤷🏻‍♀️unless their is a cause for concern, I don’t get any other ultrasound past 20w anatomy scan.
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How many ultrasounds were you ladies able to get during a “low risk” pregnancy?
aharrell815 @bluepenguin, I’m hope I can get one at 37 weeks to put me at ease. I’ll have @aharrell815 they did one because I measured big that's all. Because Noah was 8lbs 11oz and 22inch
e_elliana408 For two older daughters I had 3 ultrasounds but for my son (2 1/2 years old) I
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Is it Normal to be nauseated at 6 months? I’ve eaten and taken my vitamins on schedule but feel really nauseous today. Is that a bad sign???
alishap1212 I was going to say the same thing as @cori.severs, make sure you are drinking water .
aharrell815 Thanks ladies and that’s all I’ve been eating today is chicken noodle soup. I just feel like
sassybitch I didn't have a single moment of sickness with my oldest, but my youngest made up for
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At what stage is it NOT normal to feel your baby move? I’m 17 going on 18weeks and I sometimes think I feel a flutter but it’s not at all on a continuous / often basis. Is this cause for concern???
wm_pink Doctors always tell me to start kick counts at 28 weeks.
mrs.hibben This time around I felt good actually kicks at 15/16 weeks.
aharrell815 Thank you ladies for calming me down. You’d think this was my first pregnancy seeing my daughter
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