Cheyanne Yearwood
United States, South Carolina, Myrtle Beach


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Im 22 weeks, and having pelvic pain. It gets so bad sometimes i can barely walk. Is this normal? If not, Has anyone else experienced pelvic pain this early.
cheyanneyearwood93 Im so happy im not the only one experiencing this. I was so scared something was wrong.
mykidzaremylife I experienced it with my last pregnancy and it was so bad that my bd had to
takiahilk I have this shit now and it hurts like hell and I’m running behind two toddlers all
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Ao i have a fetal heartbeat doppler, and i cant find the babys heartbeat. :( kinda freaking me out. Ill be 20 weeks tomorrow. Is this normal or something to worry about?
selena_lalu @cheyanneyearwood93, try to lay as flat as you can. That way ur tummy lays lower so you
selena_lalu And try laying on each side to move baby around. Get up and walk a little too.
ambers14 Drink orange juice
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So every dream i have about my baby, its a girl. I don't find out the gender until may 31st. So is this telling me that im having a girl or is ot just my mind thinking its a girl because everyone is telling me its gonna be a girl?
m00my2five I had a dream and it was correct! 💙💜💜
dj-du Usually you always dream the opposite of what you’re having or also people are making you think
kisskaya Same. I keep having dreams about having a girl, every one keep telling me it’s a girl,
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Im 9 weeks today and i sleep all the, does the tiredness go away in the second trimester?
raelene_g It went away after the first 4 months.... but it came back around 30 weeks for me
kalieamber19 Noooooooooo. I want naps all the time 😂 with my daughter I was so energized
angelicasigretto14420 For me it didnt till the middle of my 2nd trimester. Now im 1 day from my
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Why using the bathroom is it harmful to the baby to strain too hard?
keilaa @kartersmommyy, omg I just looked at what they look like 🤢🤢🤮 I’m never straining myself again !
keilaa @kartersmommyy, looks painful & deadly Ctfu
kartersmommyy @keilaa, they’re absolutely terribleeeee, they were worse when you have your baby from pushing😩
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