United Kingdom, Brighton
Hello everyone im Chantel 26 years old and a mum to a 4 month old little girl x


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Hi guys can u help me please do u think this test is positive or negative
chantelandbella I'm going to do another one in morning but I'm really not ready for another baby yet
poliskowronek I can see smth x
chantelandbella Been to docs had a test done there too and it come back saying I'm not but
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Anyone had a night that there little ones wouldn't settle until u put them in there prams or buggy at night??
gen87 My eldest once spent the night in his swing. He only stopped crying and went to sleep
chantelandbella Yeah my little one she slept in the pram part of the night last night bless her.
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When did u all start ur little ones on soild food well blended food??
karla22 My health visitor recommended at around 4.5 because Lexi suffered bad with reflux. It literally went when
tbrooks15 We did BLW from 6 Months. No blending, just food x
chantelandbella Thank you x
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When would u put ur baby in there own room??
chesscal Health visitors say wait till 6 months x @chantelandbump
sara-lou86 9weeks first time although not out of choice. He no longer fit his moses basket and we
chantelandbella Thank you everyone x
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Anyone can help me my daughter won't settle without me holding her to sleep then I can put her in the cot I have tryed everything anyone else have this trouble with there little onea y little girl is 13weeks old zx
abbyrose My daughter was the same so I ended up getting a chicco next to me and it
mummyto2boys Or swaddle her so she still feels like your cuddling her xx
chantelandbella @mummyto2boys I have tryed that. I have been reading up about these myhummy and people saying it
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Out of the three jabs from 0 to 16weeks which one is the worst one to have is it the first one or second or third??
chantelandbella My little one on her first jab she screamed when she woke up and leg was really
rebecca2330 The worst one for me was the 1year ones cause my daughter screamed so much my son
chantelandbella @georgina-ox that's fine hun hope your son is ok thou bless I hate all this jabing I
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