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Послеродовая депрессия после года: как справиться с тревогой и болезнью ребенка? Советы и поддержка
Being diagnosed with postnatal depression I didn’t think I would still feel the same as I did when my daughter was born and now she nearly 1 year old on Saturday and I don’t feel like it’s getting better . All the anxiety and stress of her being ill all the time or getting ill when she was born and I was dreaming I was planning her funeral . Crying my eye out all the time and i just want Mary again and today all I have done is cry coz am worried like crazy coz my baby got croup and tonsillitis 😭😭😭😭I want it’s all to go away xx
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moivile Hello! I am sorry for your hard feelings! Have you been a psychotherapist? It can help. Sending
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Почему кажется, что все смотрят и считают тебя ненормальным? Разбираемся в причинах
When you feel like people are looking at you,thinking in there head that I am the delusional one and am
Not 😭😭😭
anne1991 yup i know how you fill hunni message me if you need to talk babe xxx
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Когда внутри тебя буря, а тебя никто не слышит: что делать и как справиться?
When ur having a break down inside and no one listen to u x
anne1991 im the same hunni i suffer really badly with mental health if you need a chat ypu
somiia93.x Bless you lovely xx your not alone you got us girls here xx inbox is always open
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Проблемы со стулом после кесарева сечения: слизь, что делать? Советы мам!
Hi mums anyone had any problems with the toilet after a c section . It’s not normal . Sorry for this information but am having mucus pooh . Am so worried xx
happymoma2 It’s normal don’t worry I had the same it was horrible to see not gonna lie but
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Кровотечение на 34 неделе беременности: что делать? Опыт мам и советы врачей
Any mum has had bleeding at 34 weeks pregnant
beebeejgill Some spotting, have you been checked?
ms_lizzy Keep an eye on it and i know it sounds awful but take photos of it so
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