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Well just had another growth scan and my baby boy has stopped growing so being monitored everyday then induced on Tuesday 😭heads all over 😭
deedee00 Thank you 😊 just wasn't expecting him this soon and now have lists coming of my ears
jodie1809 I hope everything is ok @deedee00 try not to worry yourself *hugs* xx
deedee00 Thank you @jodie1809, xx
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Horrible heartburn😖 This should keep me going a few days and £2.50 a bottle absolute bargain 🔥🔥🔥
deedee00 I asked for a prescription and they just said it's cheap enough to buy @newmommyapril it's not
jess614 I know what you mean I'm sick at least 3 times a day with it @deedee00 nothings
deedee00 I'm the same I drink it before and after meals and drinks and a big gulp before
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Whopping cough and flu jab at 2 not looking forward to it but plenty of cake and chocolate so I can relax for the rest of the day and eat my weight in chocolate 😀
deedee00 Did your flu one hurt mine really hurt felt like burning the whooping one wasn't that bad
deedee00 Ye I had one in each she said to expect dead arms tomorrow which I'm not looking
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Anyone got any ideas of boys names?
rachy I was like that with this one, didn't help I'd convinced myself I was having a girl
deedee00 I thought I was having another girl with how bad my sickness is still going strong at
katyc884781 If was going to be having a boy was gonna call him casey or Oscar well casey
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It's a boy 💙 and he's all Healthy and growing perfect so happy I can't stop smiling 😀
sammy your welcome it's lovely to find out the sex of the baby all exciting from now ☺
deedee00 Ye it is I cried like a baby when they told me looking forward to going shopping
sammy I bet you are @deedee00 that's lovely can't wait to see my baby on the scan ☺
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