Taylor Kucinski
United States, Florida, Pensacola
Our Adalynn Rose due 4/16/16 💕


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Going in tonight at midnight for induction 😁😁😁
ashley07 Don't be nervous you will do great
adalynnsmommy16 Thanks everyone!! And good luck to you too @briersmommy2016 😄
briersmommy2016 Thanks @adalynnsmommy16
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I've got two outfits for our baby's possible coming home outfits lol please tell me which you like best pics in comments!!
jellybeansmommy Love the first one... I say take both and dress her up on the second one on
wrd2016 The second one looks more comfortable, I tried to think about that when I picked mine. I
aamaitland 1st one!
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I have exactly three days before I have to be at the hospital to be induced!!!😁😁😁😁 starting to get nervous lol
adalynnsmommy16 @babybee, it's so weird I haven't really felt nervous but I'm feeling it now lol and I'm
babybee @adalynnsmommy16, same here at least I hope I am lol..Goodluck to ya and safe delivery for both
adalynnsmommy16 Thanks @babybee same to you both also :) we will be right in the same spot lol
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Do men not understand a damn thing??? Sorry but if your mom stresses me out every time I talk to her, hell no I'm not answering the damn phone!! 🙄🖕🏻
adalynnsmommy16 @supermommy31082, right!! Just hearing her voice makes me cringe lol they will never understand these hormones!! Especially
supermommy31082 exactly I hate people like that don't pay her no mind girl cause she gonna kiss ya
adalynnsmommy16 @supermommy31082, after my first ultrasound her response to my picture was "don't get too excited until you
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Is anyone here fairly knowledgable about essential oils?
adalynnsmommy16 @littledannilove, I have a question if you don't mind lol a coworker is letting me use her
littledannilove Yes! You should definitely be able to mix those. Check with the nurses though, they didn't let
adalynnsmommy16 Ok great thanks!!@littledannilove my hospital will let me use the diffuser!! I'm so excited now lol hopefully
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Baby is super active at night (which I love feeling) has anyone else felt like their baby was "burrowing" though? lol that's the only was I can describe the feeling 😂😂 that part is quite painful
adalynnsmommy16 Yes!! It's like a digging clawing feeling but mine is like right in the vagina area lol
babymay2016 Hahah oh yes it does not feel good. Its like my son hasn't found the exit yet
adalynnsmommy16 She has the hiccups, is giving me big kicks, and trying to claw her way out all
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