Ariel Jakubczak
United States, Indiana, Hammond
18 and first time mama:) expecting my peanut in June ♡


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Has anyone had a membrane sweeping and what was your experience?
thewritingmomma I was induced at 37 weeks and was only 1 centimeter dilated when they swept my membranes.
kingme07 My cousin just did At 39 weeks dilated to 2, didn't work
emtackett I got a membrane sweep. I lost my whole plug a couple days later but nothing else
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What does labor feel like? I'm now at my 30th week and my baby has dropped significantly. I know I still have some time but I wanna be prepared so what exactly happens before and during labor that lets you know your baby is coming?
surprise4 it's different most women feel pain, I didn't feel anything. I only found out because I was
michellevaldez4750 It's hard to describe but the best way I can is the tightening of your tummy along
maybabyboy you should see if the hospital you're giving birth at offers a childbirth education class. this is
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28 Weeks as of yesterday and still SO SMALL! I thought I'd be so much bigger by now!
rockysmommy This was me at almost 28 weeks! I feel small too.
michellevaldez4750 As long as baby is growing you're good! You'll be glad you're on the smaller side after
missing154user I still just look chubby. lol
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I'm so happy I'm finally gaining weight! It took me the first five whole months to gain five pounds. My starting weight was 112, two weeks ago I weighed 117 and today I weighed in at 125. Eight pounds in two weeks is definitely not bad :)
aminaisazasmami that's a lot isn't it? I've only gained 10 pounds my whole pregnancy and my doctor said
arihazelmarie613 i was told they wanted me gaining 30-40 pounds since I'm so small to begin with
beth0419 I remember being 148, dropped to 135 and am now 160, it's completely normal.
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