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No AF for today either! she's 2 late now.

#babymaybe ?
mnm2012 I did the day before AF was expected and some say the first one had a VERY
mnm2012 @lil_bigmama, l
lil_bigmama Good ur hgc double every 2 days
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so far no AF today... maybe it's a miracle!!! 💚💚
mnm2012 i just don't wanna get my hopes up @chela
chela well ummm don't think about the possibility of getting a positive just be normal andalso keep in
mnm2012 Thank you @chela
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ugh I give up. I'm gonna take one more in the morning... I am so discouraged now.. stupid PCOS.
mnm2012 tomorrow is the 1 day of my missed period, if I miss it. should I still wait?
chela like yew can take one but I would wait some days for the faint line to be
headyjo Baby girl don't get your hopes up, I understand I've had pcos for over ten years and
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send me lots of baby dust! I'm testing in a few minutes.
jaiwashington16 keep trying! Dont give up. i was put on clomid because i was not ovulating and it
kbmjdm I'm having struggles getting pregnant to girl just keep your head up and keep trying I've been
mnm2012 we've been trying for over a year now and its just frustrating. praying for you @kbmjdm @jaiwashington16
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just received a call from my gyn... I don't ovulate so she is prescibing me Clomid. how long did it take other moms with PCOS to get a BFP while one Clomid?
2fast2redhead If clomid isn't successful for you the first few rounds, try femera.
kala8220 I've been taking it for 2 months now what days are u taking them
mommy_to_be1993 i took clomid for two month i stopped then i got pregnant on my own like 3month
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How many mommy's have used Preseed and it work?? is it sold at Wal-Mart?
t1mom I used it & now am currently 21 weeks pregnant lol
1sttimemommy2016 It didn't work for me. So I stopped using it.
kbmjdm I'd like to know the same thing to I'm using a soft cup to hold it all
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I'm getting so impatient. I'm wanting to test tomorrow (1 day before AF is supposed to arrive,) but so scared to get a negative! who's tested early and got a BFP?
c00kiemomster With my dd I got a vvfl about 1wk before missed period. Then got told by the
mnm2012 I think I'm going to buy a couple of test tomorrow and take one and save the
mommaduck I took a test when I missed my period and it was neg then I took another
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