United States, Tennessee, Oak Ridge


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Decisions I want to move back home to Jersey where I have family and real support but I want my babi girl to be around her father
nowadays1 Literally, I have the SAME problem. Originally I'm from Jersey City but my boyfriend and I live
j.echo I moved from Cali to North Dakota and choose being near my family. I'd rather she grow
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Officially homeless and stuck in TN..added stress is im 7 months pregnant.. yaaay me
me_preggo @40andfabulousof3angels, thank you
43andfabulousof4angels @me_preggo, ...Your Welcome
drewswifey Wish I could help out. I'm not far from you if you want to talk.
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You ever feel that your S.O doesn't really care to listen to anything you have to say but when he speaks he wants you to be engages into the convo
me_preggo lol I'll keep my breath for me n the babi @rhia
isley91 all the time smh
maybaby2016 story of my life! I'll be telling him something important and think he's listening but when I
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Feeling like a stuff turkey all day
snooks. omg me too!! i wanna eat but there's no room haha
me_preggo the further along I get the stuffer I get
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I really hate that my fiance family is holding off telling his grandma I'm pregnant, they are a southern family and real religious.. We are married and we are having a babi and she won't like that but I don't give a fuck..just pisses me off
supermommy016 Same, my baby father still hasn't told his parents yet. Their southern white people from Mississippi! &
me_preggo @supermommy016, I'm from Jersey and all my family knows I'm not about that bidding my babi from
me_preggo @mamaof3414, that is fucked up
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Fiance is upset that we haven't had sex in a month but I just don't want it weird that just that thought of sex makes me sick?
me_preggo @risssslynnnn, I feel nasty too
risssslynnnn I literally will want it and just think ehhh now I don't want that man near me.
june_mommy2016 thought the whole preganncy so far I have hated sex!! I just don't want it at all!
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I woke up feeling refreshed, let the dog out took a shower just ate some cereal n drank coffee..why am I starting to feel tired again?
myreaofsunshine The tiredness come back later in your pregnancy no matter what
me_preggo I just feel like its not normal to be this tired this fast
orphanpuppy I feel you. I slept 9 hours. Stayed up for 2 1/2 then slept another 2 1/2!
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