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I'm 19 weeks today with my second, should I be concerned not to have felt the baby move yet ? I cant remember when I felt it with my first
lucassmommy I have an ultra sound on the 10th , my last doctor appointment was in the beginning
morganmommy79 @lucassmommy, I know it's diff for everyone so don't panic just yet. The placenta does move around
millermommie I'm 19wks and I haven't really felt mine much like idk if its flutters or gas. and
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Went to bed a happy girlfriend and mom woke up to being a single mom with two kids. Why me
shylamarie Awe momma. I am so sorry. We are all here for you ❤️❤️❤️ it's not much, but
lucassmommy @shylamarie, thank you ! It's been a long time coming I just don't know how to accept
concrete @lucassmommy, it's going to be difficult at firsy, but he made his choice.
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tired of living with a liar 😢
astridoll Try to calm down think about any other thing by the moment, so you can feel better
lucassmommy it gets tiring like here I am 2:30 am waiting on his ass to walk through the
mommygirl25 girl i know how u feel hun i feel like im living with bullshit liars to and
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mommmas I need help!! did anyone have kids like back to back ? my son just turned one this week & I'm 4 months pregnant. my son is walking but still needs to be carried a lot but I'm noticing whenever I carry him I'm getting a pain in my stomach. he's only 23 pounds
6215teenmom @lucassmommy I did. I eventually just couldn't carry her for long distances
angie7404 2 weeks after my daughter turned one I found out I was pregnant, my doctor told me
lucassmommy It's just so hard and my boyfriend doesn't understand. I can hardly get him out the crib
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It's my baby's first birthday!!!!
lucassmommy just seeing this but I'm not 100% sure we got it at babies r us for like
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