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I feel like a horrible mom. my son is a high need baby and cries so much. I get so frustrated and angry and inpatient with him. I yell sometimes and I feel he looks at me and wonders why the person who's supposed to love him the most, treats him the way I do.
artsymom of course, how old is your little one? mine is a little over a month
marleybunny @artsymom, he's 6 weeks and couple of days. seems like he only wants to be carried.
_xofi I have the same problem sometimes too. I love my son but sometimes all his crying does
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my son is constipated at 11 days old. I tried prune juice and qtip trick and he finally pooped but still cries alot and idk what to do. please help!!
santistevanmommie There's gripe water for babies, that helps a lot and gas drops seemed to help my daughter.
sandylea Gripe water helped us when she seemed fussy just remember to put it in the fridge after
calaboss Is normal for babies to go 5-7 days without poop. sticking anything in their bum can cause
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I've missed you guys. been really busy since baby liam was born last friday. I love being a mother even though I have no friends
missing98user You had your baby! Congratulations!
marleybunny yes I did girl! thank you. it's the most amazing experience ever @junesmommy15
missing98user Yes! We don't really know that kind of love until we have our little ones. The most
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how to stop my milk from coming in. I'm 4 days pp and decided not to breastfeed. please no negative comments
kmally Peppermint oil and peppermint tea, cabbage, compresses. There's no way to stop it but those should help
stefaniamarie keep them tight
braxtunsmommyxoxo_ Wrap those puppies up nice & tight! My mom used like the ace bandages or like those
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