Mine is 10 and just stopped wetting the bed as long we take measures (no drinks an hour before bedtime and using the bathroom before bed ) although kinda annoying, it’s developmentally appropriate. I was buying pull ups until he was like 8 then he absolutely hated wearing them cause he felt like a baby and we just used washable bed pads for awhile. (They are still on his bed just in case)
@anacort, it might not be possible for him to get up right now. The brain just hasn’t developed that part yet. But that’s a good point. He’ll eventually get sick of wearing diapers.
This is completely normal.
Some kids do not release the hormones to signal their brain they need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Some kids do not grow out of this until 10-12 years old.
Also to help limit the amount they drink before bed and make sure they use the rest room before bed.