
Кашель у ребенка: что делать, если друг дочери пришел с кашлем в день близнецов? Советы и опасения

My daughter is recovering from a bad cold she got on Tuesday night. She was just able to return to school today, so when her friend came over this morning because it’s twin day and she wanted to go to school with my daughter, when she started coughing up a storm my heart sank to my booty 😭. I’m going to assume it’s allergies, or she also is getting passed the cold and has the lingering cough, I’m being very delusional that another parent would not send their kid to another parents home with the knowledge that their child has or is coming down with something….

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Hoping for you and your daughter that it’s just a lingering cough fingers crossed 🤞🏻
05.02.2025 Нравится Ответить
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