To paper trial. Because if he did this to my child he may do it to someone else. Also to show the child how serious this is and the consequences if you put your hands on someone without their permission. I really just want that student away from my child.
Our school district doesn't do anything about bullying they just don't care so I would be going right to the police. Which in our area if you want actions taken you have to
@mybabybear, my UNPOPULAR advice would be to tell your child to defend them self’s. Oh ur getting choked? Kick them in the balls if it’s a boy.
My daughter had bullying issues at her old school and they never cared to resolve until I stepped in. Js.
@mybabybear, then u need to go to the school and start demanding.
My daughters bully lived down the road and I was very persistent on knocking on the door. Left my number even.
Call the school and demand a meeting.
@mybabybear, yeah I would take it up with the school. If the school doesn’t satisfy you it is your right to file a report. I’d also write everything down while it’s fresh so you have accurate information. I tend to also do everything by writing, email etc. because there’s a paper trail with the school.