My kiddo is very immature in his social/emotional skills. He’s going into 5th grade to a new school with an excellent reputation and better opportunities. Well. The transition has not been going well all summer. He won’t exit the car and if he’s forced he is screaming and crying like a toddler. He starts to swear and becomes physical with me (he never does that). I literally don’t know what else to do. We drive by it he won’t open his eyes to even look at it. He was able to walk around twice but he won’t open his eyes. The AP is involved but she can’t coax him. The first day is the 26th & it’s going to be awful.

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How do you think he would respond if you didn’t tell him that you were going to his new school but instead said that you were taking him to check out a new playground? Do you think he’d get out and play? (Not sure if he’d catch on since he’s been closing his eyes.) If so, after a little while of playing you could casually say something like “wow you’re going to have so much fun playing out here every day this school year!” A casual, low pressure positive experience/exposure may help rip off the bandaid and help with the anxiety that he’s feeling about the new school.
10.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
So I’ve tried this and he is not really into playgrounds. We usually ‘trick’ him by saying we’re going somewhere else and when we’re there he closes his eyes and will say something like “I’m NOT going to this stupid school” but we always end the trip with something he likes to do (McDonald’s, ice cream, play space, etc). My parents are trying to help too. We always try to make positive comments like “wow this school has 2 gyms and a mini golf course outside! That looks so fun!” But he always retorts with a negative comment.

I’ve also tried being completely honest and tell him we’re going just to drive by it. He won’t enter the car if I’m honest. I have to always trick him.

We even went the schools pool party. We got there early to help him ease the anxiety. He was fine until the kids started coming then he refused to get in the pool. A mom attempted to introduce her son to him he stormed off. I am truly at a loss. I thought the pool party would be really low pressure and relaxed but no
11.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
My heart goes out to him with all these big changes, my heart goes out to you with all these big changes! You are a good mom and I wish you both all the best with trying to navigate this new year! I see you and I'm sending the most ginormous hug possible today and your first day of school!
10.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. Honestly teared up a little reading this. We do so much as parents we go on autopilot. So it’s nice to hear some recognition.

I am closing on our new place on Thursday but we won’t be truly moving in full time until I know my kiddo is in a good place with school. I don’t want to overwhelm him with too many changes at once. Tho he is really excited to get his own room!
11.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
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