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So sick of this when will it stop 💔 another parent taken from their kids because of a cop. I have never given my brown kids a talk where i say police are there to help i always talk to them about how they have to be careful around police because when they see brown skin they want to shoot. I watched the video with my son and told him see what im saying! I tell them to always act right when your out there, check your anger if someone upsets you walk away, dont call 911 if there is no fire or blood, if the police do come to you stay calm dont move to fast answer their questions and do what they say never argue with them, i even warn them about acting up in school because ive seen on the news where a teacher called the police on a 5yr old brown boy. Im crying as im writting this, its already a scary world for kids but its sad when the people put to protect us kill us all because of our skin color.

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Yeah, I have no faith that things will get better. The police operate as though they are still the slave patrol of slavery days. They see non whites as the hunted... I just always know what side of the police I'm on, and I try to remember to act accordingly. Avoid them, but if I can't, throw myself at their mercy. Maybe they serve someone, but I'm probably not who they protect
24.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
25.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
It's a scary world. I am sure there are some great police officers out there, but I have only known ones who were bullies and liked control over others. I don't think the job attracts who we want it to, and these tragedies are the result. It's got to stop.
24.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
One of my college roommates and her sister both became cops. My roommate used to brag about all the drugs her sister would take from evidence storage. My roommate’s mom did all her homework. I just haven’t felt the same about cops since and I’ve never cared for them to begin with.
24.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
Same here when I did need the police once they let me down
25.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
@humblewarriormama Wow sad
25.07.2024 Нравится Ответить
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