Should I See a Cardiologist for Heart Issues During Pregnancy?

anyone deal with heart issues while pregnant? I had an echo done, I had one my last pregnancy and I had one this pregnancy just because all of my pregnancies are high risk and they have been pretty close together. My echo showed I have valve regurgitation. I don’t think my OB was going to even mention it to me because I had to reach out to them multiple times and finally she called back. She thinks it’s pregnancy related and how my heart is handling the extra blood flow, she was naming all the positives and what else they look for and said they don’t feel like I need to see a cardiologist while pregnant but she does know a good cardiologist she will set me up with just for peace of mind after I have him. I honestly am not feeling comfortable with this. I see my OB on the 9th and have a million questions. I suffer from anxiety and it’s hard to tell if the things I am feeling are anxiety related or heart related. I want to see the cardiologist now and ask questions too. To be very honest I need to know the impacts this pregnancy will have because I have 4 other kids who need me and if I’m jeopardizing my health I rather terminate.

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Working in a cardiologist office for 20 years as an echo tech, I’ve seen a lot of pregnant women. It’s pretty common to have new regurgitation during pregnancy with the blood flow increase, but it never hurts to get checked from an actual cardiologist, especially if you’re having symptoms or are anxious
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
@eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks, happens a lot! Your body is producing more blood to flow to baby, which increases the pressure in the heart. It returns to normal once baby is born, and the heart does too most often. I’ve seen 1 case where it persists, but it took about a year for it to return to normal, and other issues where found that contributed to it
27.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
@lizibear84, Thank you! I’m going to ask my high risk ob to set me up with the cardiologist. I didn’t have this with my last pregnancy so I’m hoping it returns to normal after the baby. I won’t lie this is really scary but you have really helped ease my mind. I have major heart anxiety so when I saw that on my report I was so scared. My EKG was normal so I’m hoping that means something good.
27.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
@eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks, a normal ekg is always a good sign
27.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
I would definitely want a consult for peace of mind. Your OB is probably 100% correct but I would want a specialist.
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
Either way, I say even if it's just for peace of mind, set the appointment. If the cardiologist says everything is good and don't worry until after pregnancy then that's 2 doctors saying it. Blood flow during pregnancy is nuts!
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
I am with you on this, I think I’d have a lot of questions before giving birth, having any heart condition is no joke and I’d have to see a cardiologist now while I am pregnant
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
Thank you, my friends are telling me not to stress but i’m like it’s not your major organ so it’s easy to tell me that. I feel like since I see the high risk maternal fetal ob they are use to this type of stuff and kinda brushed it off as something minor but to me it’s major
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
@eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks, I think what ever gives you peace do that. 🩷
26.06.2024 Нравится Ответить
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