
Что делать, если дети заболели, а ты только устроилась на новую работу? Советы для мам!

What to do when you baby’s are sick and you just started a new job … like I know it’s best to stay home with my babies being that their sick .. but doing so I’m afraid that I’m setting a bad look for myself being that I just start this job 2 weeks ago .. mother hood is overwhelming

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I unfortunately have had to call out I’ve only been here 3 months thankfully so far they have been understanding. Usually I leave them with my husband, If he can’t do it I have to call off since we don’t have any family to help.
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
So I’m basically in the same situation as you were .. so all my family is in Florida and it’s just my fiancé and I here with the boys so
I just hope my bosses are understanding of my situation
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
I've never had problems when I had to call out or leave early because of my kids. Most people understand life happens emergencies happen. Im sure your bosses will understand.
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
I almost got fired when dd was in daycare and I was beginning a new job. It was the most stressful thing. I even hd the daycare write a written note to my boss. It was the most awkward first months ever. Thank god I left the company a year after. But by the fourth month I had a much more understanding boss whom replaced the difficult one. It did not help that the difficult boss had no children and little remorse. I stood up for myself and gave her all of the nesassary info and reasons why. It was out of my control. I had zero childcare and was a single parent at that time as well. So not enough flexibility.
All we can do is explain the situation and if they need proof then the excused letters from the childcare center are always fun to hand out😒
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
We almost had to keep my youngest home with my grandma.
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
When my kids are sick I have my mom watch them. If she’s not around my husband works from home. My one job is understaffed and the other one I’m the only one who can do it all
29.11.2023 Нравится Ответить
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