Jasmine Harper-Clark
Jasmine Harper-Clark

38 недель, ребенок в тазовом предлежании и усталость: быть ли кесареву сечению?

I’ll be 38wks Wednesday
Lawd this child stubborn as hell
Lawd I’m beyond exhausted
This child was head down now she back breech🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
I’ve never had a C-section with our other kids but it looks like I’ll be having one with her stubborn butt
I hope she miraculously turn back head down at my next dr visit

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My last baby was head down at 28 weeks, whenever they checked me they said she was head down. Got induced at 41 weeks, didn't get an epidural and when the Dr checked me, I was 9cm dilated... BUT the Dr was like "umm get an ultrasound machine in here because I think baby is breech".. she was "frank breech" Soo she was basically folded in half trying to come out butt first 🫣. Ended up having an emergency C section. When I went in to get induced, they never gave me an ultrasound like they did with my second. Maybe its because they were thinking they were feeling her head instead of her butt. Although it was a crazy/intense experience, I appreciate it because she passed away when she was 3 weeks old and seeing the scar from my incision will always be a reminder of her
19.09.2023 Нравится Ответить
My daughter was head down since 36 weeks then while I was in labor was like SIKE and started flipping back. They had to manually turn her back head down because she was on her side. It was not comfortable but I did have her vaginally
18.09.2023 Нравится Ответить
My daughter did that too. I turned myself upside down on the couch. She flipped within minutes.
18.09.2023 Нравится Ответить
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