I successfully did a VBAC!
It was such a rollercoaster.
Saturday morning, noticed some jelly-like substance kept coming out. Put it together, and thought hmm.. maybe it’s my mucus plug. Didn’t think much of it, went on about the day.
Sunday morning, woke up to a big amount of jelly like substance with some blood.. called L&D and they confirmed my suspicion of the mucus plug. Suggested I keep track of contractions and stay hydrated. Around 3pm, noticed the contractions being consistent, happening every 7 minutes lasting for a minute or so. They suggested I take a warm bath, continue with water intake and wait until it’s closer to like 5 minutes apart.
Called again at like 11:30pm and they suggested the same thing basically. But to wait until they’re 3 mins apart. Around 3:30am, I really couldn’t take it anymore so I called and asked if I can just come in. They said I risk getting sent home, husband said let’s just do it and see where we’re at. Got to the hospital around 4, got checked in 15 mins later…. To find out that I was already 9CM!
I couldn’t get any IV meds and I didn’t want the epidural— so I was basically forced to have a non medicated birth. Pushed for literally a minute and she was here!
7 lbs 13 oz 20.5 inches long.
We did it, baby girl!