Pumping moms question for ya. It takes me 40/45mins to get 3 or 4oz... that's enough for a bottle at a time for my youngest. Is that "normal" or is it too long that its not worth the hassle?
No, don't pump that long. Pump less time more often. If you have a heating pad use that, massager, look at pics of baby while you pump, listen to babies cry, while your baby feeds.
@thepfeiffwife that's not bad. I just wouldn't want to be stuck on the pump for 45 mins. I'd pump for 10-15 mins and take a break and come back and pump for another 10-15 mins just so you body gets use to pumping shorter time.
If its working for you then I don’t see what the problem is. I pump 20 mins 3x a day while I’m working and get about 7-8 ounces which I feel is not a lot but it’s better than nothing to me. I breastfeed in the morning and evenings, and all day on the weekends (with an occasional formula bottle). I’ve seen some people pump 9oz in a short amount of time but they are overproducers so it’s not realistic. Maybe play around with power pumping or try lactation cookies to see if it will boost your supply.
I never responded to my pump in the same way I would breastfeeding. It’s definitely different from nursing however it might be beneficial to see if your area has a lactation consultant you can get an appt with. Some programs offer them for free. You could try to play with pump settings as well, try different speeds, etc. Some women respond better to manual pumps. Water intake should be at least half of your body weight in oz per day. Make sure you’re eating about 500 extra calories daily and lots of protein.
@thepfeiffwife, which isn’t wrong! If you’re fine with longer pumping sessions and making enough to feed baby then it’s fine but formula is also totally fine too. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not.
That seems like a long time to me.
I'm pumping and get a total of 2-3 oz within 15-20 minutes.
How often are you pumping? I would add one power pumping session a day and you should be pumping at least every two hours. Like pp said up your fluid and calorie intake.
Every 4 or 5hrs. I pump 4-6xs a day. I pump a total around 2.5/3hrs a day and get 12-16oz total. Drinking about a L of bubbly water a day, a normal balanced diet and homemade oatmeal raisin with almond cookies to boost supply
@thepfeiffwife, I would add an extra pump or two. At least to build guys supply up. Google exclusively pumping you'll get a lot of good info. Kelly Mom.com too
I pump every two hours including overnight. It's a chore but I'm hoping to cut out my supplement fed and get back to all breast milk.
My baby also won't latch. She has a tongue tie and her latch wasn't great. To keep us both from getting frustrated I decided to pump at least until I figure out this nipple shield I bought.
@iuiblessing2018 none of my girls could latch even with help from lactation people so I bottle feed to keep from getting frustrated. With my middle I realize now that the flange shield was too big so it was just getting all over me and also getting frustrated so I got a smaller one this time around and has been doing great.
I think that’s a little long to be pumping,but I could be wrong. It’s been a while since I exclusively pumped however, I would look into power pumping. also increase your water intake& drink coconut water if you can stomach or eat some oatmeal and just latch baby on the breast as much as possible. The baby nursing will help produce more milk then just pumping for 45 minutes.
@thepfeiffwife, we’ll then if the doctor says all is well then take it 🙌 she has awhile until she can start solids I wouldnt bank of that yet. Supplementing sounds like it’s going well. I know that 15 or 20 minutes may not do anything for you right now but try to power pump and just try to 15 or 20 minutes and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out 🤷♀️ Also, some women just aren’t successful at breast-feeding to whereas some women are, and that’s just the way that the cookie crumbles. goodluck!!!
@jays.mom. I mean I'm happy I made it this long since I haven't been able to with my other two but I couldn’t nurse at all so this was the next best thing. The docs are concerned about her weight gain since she only gained a lb between appointments. So she's been eating an average of 6oz a feeding now