Что делать, если трёхлетняя Хейли не ходит в туалет?
So my 3yr old, Haley. She just doesn’t seem to care about using the bathroom. She won't tell me or my hubby or big sister, Molly when she needs to go and then I have to clean her up when I get to her after dealing with the baby... it's getting frustrating
Sounds like a regression. My daughter was 3.5 when her brother was born and she had a huge regression. She refused to use the toilet, would just sit on the edge of the seat holding it, then after 20 minutes go into her room and pee in her pants deliberately 😩. We basically had to potty train her all over again. I did a sticker chart which helped but she was extremely stubborn and didn’t stop having “accidents” until after she was 4. I think I even had to put her back in pull-ups temporarily. I wish I had advice but every kid is different and it was a rough time for us.
It definitely sounds like she’s regressing since having a new baby, it’s pretty common. You just may have to do a little bit more laundry and be a little bit more consistent. It’s definitely frustrating but there was a big change in the household not too long ago and it’s pretty normal for kids to regress around this age also when there is such a big difference in there everyday life.
My daughter didn’t fully stop peeing her pants until by age 4. She would be fine at school but not at home. I noticed she got too into her tablet so that was taken away for a long time. Didn’t work. It was extremely frustrating and felt like pulling out my hair majority of the time. She pooped in the potty just fine tho. I bought her so many prizes. Cheap and expensive. I went as far as buying her a $50 plushie. I was desperate lol. Nothing worked until she just decided one day to stop on her own.
@thepfeiffwife, babies are hard work I get it. Maybe give potty training a break and try in summer when you don’t have to help with homework? She will get over this phase one day every kid is different.
I take my daughters diaper off at home sometimes n she goes to the potty by herself but when she has something on like a diaper or underwear she'll just go on herself 😑 she doesn't tell me when she has to go either and its frustrating.
Potty training is never easy and every kid is different maybe she isn't ready, maybe there is to much going on. Could you set a timer to help remind you to have her go try to go potty. Sticker chart, favorite treat all can help the key is staying on track with it which I know you said baby takes all your time. Good luck she will get it
Honestly she could be doing it because of the baby, maybe alittle jealousy. Was she going to the potty before? Have you tried to give her a reward for going? I use to do stickers for my son and with my daughter I did alittle prize every time she’d use the potty.
Off and on. I wasn’t able to before the baby came cause I was either sick or it hurt to bend over or just too big. Now that the baby's here I'm so focused on her that half the morning is gone by the time I get to her
We tried m&ms since she loves them but I forgot to keep using them. I'd leave them in the bathroom but I wouldn't be surprised if she'd just go to the bathroom just to grab the bag lol