When is it ok for a child to not use a carseat? Maybe a booster seat?
Shes 3 and hates going in the carseat, she keeps having the worst tantrums, so i popped her on the back seat and she was much comfortable and happier?
The carseat she has is for her height, weight ect....shes had it since she was younger its an adjustable one so its not that its to small for her. She just knows her own mind and im finding it harder and harder to get her to sit in it....

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Lots of kiddies don't like car seats but it is a requirement by law for them to be in one. For safety as well she needs to stay in. My 3yo hates his as well and it's a pain in the arse trying to strap him in and then he's always trying to unbuckle himself 🙄
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
Its getting harder and frustrating for both of us, i hate taking her out because i know there will be a kick off. Ive ordered a new carseat with spiderman on im hoping it will help x
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
When around 18kgs she can use a high-back booster. I wouldn't just put her on the seat. My 10 year old has only recently just come out of his high-back booster seat. I wouldn't use a booster seat either that isn't high back, they're dangerous. My 7 year old is still in his high back booster.
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
So ive ordered a new high back booster. With spiderman on it as shes spiderman obsessed!
Shes just becoming really distressed and i haven't got the power to force her init because i have severe back problems and waiting for a back operation so im finding it difficult. So i weren't sure if shes allowed to or not
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
@ms_lizzy Oh of course I completely get that, you don't need to justify yourself! Please don't feel like I'm judging you! Kids are hardwork and there is no hand book. Do you think there could br something else to it, maybe car sick or bored, are her straps fitting correctly? Its all trial and error.
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
Just realised I put 10 year old, he's not even 10 yet till April 🤣🤦‍♀️
My brain is frazzled 🤣🤣
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
Wow. Girl, kids are supposed to be in their seat until their like 8 atleast (not sure exactly on age). It's very important. Who cares if she "likes" the cars seat better?! This is about your child's safety not if she likes it or not. She may be able to ride in a high back booster seat but I'm not sure about age/height/weight in your country. My oldest hates hers as well and would unbuckle her top buckle all the time. I have to bribe her.
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
I know its important ! And i also know its about her saftey and not her liking it or not.
Thats why im asking for some advice on what to do. I never said i went on a journey with her without the carseat ? I said she seems more comfortable without being in it.
She arches her back, doesnt listen, smacks, bites, kicks! Theres ADHD in the family and shes showing traits. So to put her into this carseat is causing i AM thinking of HER saftey
21.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
@ms_lizzy her safety is a carseat. I'd try a high back booster if I were you. I'm sorry if I came off as harsh. Didn't intend to be like that. I thought you meant you drove with her in the seat lol
22.02.2023 Нравится Ответить
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