Is this ok?

Let's say you're heading into a drive thru, and a car cuts you off to get ahead of you. You don't react. Then the back passenger window rolls down and a 9/10ish year old boy points a fake rifle at you and pretends to shoot your car.

Then proceeds to do so while in the drive thru.

Do you react? Is this ok behavior? Is this not ok behavior? Should the parents intervene?


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Nope! We here are gun enthusiasts, one of the very first rules we taught our children with fake guns was to NEVER point one at a stranger or anyone who isnt playing the game!

Water guns, pop guns, nerf guns any of that.
05.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
I mean if the parents were the one they cut you off then honestly it doesn’t surprise me that this is the child’s behavior / that being said . My son used to do something like this and it only happened once because I said something to him . It’s disrespectful and rude . And it’s not something that should be brushed off.
04.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
So, I ended up rolling down my window yelled out not to ever do that to anyone and of course that only egged on the parents to like stick their hand out and wave all obnoxious. I felt bad for yelling but like, damn, that could get someone hurt. Just a terrible example to set for kids. It really bothered me.
04.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
@jaymeerene, horrible example !!!
04.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
Parents should intervene, I teach my children you don’t ever point a gun even if it’s fake at another person. I would be addressing to my child how inappropriate this is. That’s my opinion though.
04.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
I also thought it was common knowledge or common sense that you don't point a toy gun or real gun at anybody so I was really taken back that the parents did not do anything to have him stop. It really pissed me off because if he had done that at night where it wasn't obvious it was a toy gun or if they did this and a cop saw, it could have turned down a whole other path.
04.01.2023 Нравится Ответить
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