
Как перестать кормить грудью в год: советы?

Hey any breastfeeding mum's possibly thinking about stopping when their little ones turns 1 or around that age does anyone have any advice?
I'm feeling slightly anxious about stopping breastfeeding I'm just worried about how I'll cope emotionally cus I really struggled at the beginning middle and end and after having my baby, and just wanted to know how any other mums felt after stopping breastfeeding xx

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I went cold turkey when my first was 2.5 yo. It was really effecting me emotionally because it was constantly on and off every hour, 500000 times an hour day and night and a 2.5 year old didn't need to be doing that! Im still partly breastfeeding my almost 7 month old. We have been combination feeding since birth. My mental health is definitely better because of it. And the plan is to stop at 1.5yo. I'll be doing cold turkey again. Definitely less dramatic than trying to gradually wean xx
05.12.2022 Нравится Ответить
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